Benjamin Stubbing

Born at a very young age in Auckland, New Zealand, nowadays you’ll find me in Wellington where I work for the Treasury in the Analytics and Insights team. A&I undertake research and analysis on social and economic issues, looking for new and better ways for the public service to improve outcomes for New Zealanders.

I’m enthusiastic about creating a future of abundance: building a materially healthy society that nourishes welfare, ameliorating places where bad rules impede the common good, and growing the things that make a nation great and the world a better place. ie, in Ezra Klein's words, the “stupidly simple” thesis that “to have the future we want, we need to build and invent more of the things that we need.”

I'm curious about almost everything! Take a look at my Bookshelf and Writing, e.g. here are the coolest things I learned last year.

More about me

My picture of the world is drawn in perspective, and not like a model to scale. The foreground is occupied by human beings and the stars are all as small as threepenny bits.

—F. P. Ramsey, “Epilogue,” in Philosophical Papers (ed. D. H. Mellor)

N.B., web-design is a bootleg imitation of Patrick Collison
